Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Danica Overload.

Here are the reasons for my lack of posts:

1. California!

We spent Friday night in a tent. I am not a camper. But i was really sad that I forgot to take a picture of our first camping experience together. I almost made Brennon put the tent back up.

Dont pay attention to my huge butt please.

His signature face.

Notice Brennon's sweet aviators. 4$. This picture was taken right outside our house. Amazing.

We also went to the San Diego Temple and got a leetle camara happy. I have about 50 pics on my camara from about an hours worth of time.

Kayla's studly friends who joined our family trip. There all in love with Kayla.

2. Twilight!

I caved. They were given to me. Despite my non-reading nature, I started and finished Twilight in 4 days. From a non-readers' perspective, it is amazing. I am now in the middle of New Moon and take it wherever I go just in case i get a little spare time.

3. Freakin School.

I'm taking 3 edu classes, which is a a bit overwhelming because of all the service learning and observations I have to do. But I've decided that i want to teach... 6th grade! I loved my 6th grade teacher and I figure, they do all the fun stuff in 6th grade like Science Camp, Worlds' fair, building castles, ect. So I just wanna be done with school and start having fun.

4. New job.

Its pretty much making me go a little crazy. I work for a substitute teacher company so they basically send me to different schools weekly or monthly and I am an assistant teacher. Im at a preschool right now but in the 1- 1 1/2 year old class, which is pretty much just babysitting. We had 3 biters in the class which results in much screaming. The school is NAZIS about keeping everything clean all the time. So I have been wiping noses, wiping tables, and wiping bottoms for the past 2 weeks, 25 hrs a week. I dont want to have 1 year olds.

5. Im a Den mother.

How random is that? I have never so much as been near a scout book in my life and now i have to teach it. Wonderful.

Me in my hot scout shirt. (FYI: taking a picture of yourself when you dont know how to use a camara results in really ugly, akward pictures)

Brennon and I also teach the 9 year olds on Sunday in which he will plan the lessons and I will bring the cookies.

6. Making feeble attempts at decorating and cooking.

*No pictures will be shown at this time due to lack of cuteness.

Oh, and Kayla went to Homecoming. How freakin cute are they? Kayla stayed with us last week while our family was still in Cali so he picked her up at our house.We didn't have much scenery at our apartment complex. They make that parking lot look good.

So that probably was a little more than any of you wanted to know. Too bad.


The Greer Family said...

You are crackin' me up! I love your post and all the pictures, etc. You are a busy girl. I would've laughed even harder if you actually would've made Brennon put the tent back up. I love the idea that you even considered it. Steph

Anonymous said...

THANKS! I love the den mother picture, you look like a mother of some little scouts (ok, you look like their 16 year old sister). I was gonna post the picture of you guys of the beach wall, but there was something peculiously perched on your lap and it didnt look right. Looks, much better on your blog.

Come get some free Utah fruit from yo mama!

Kristal said...

A den mother!!!! AWESOME!!! K, and I love the teaching 6th grade idea. I think that'd be a fun grade too. And kayla and justin do look dang hot! I'm still shooting for Gary, but I've gotta say, just by a smidgen now.

See ya tomarrow night sucka....cameras in hand!

Anonymous said...

If you comment on your sisters blogs, they will on yours and it will become this very cool family reunion that me and two of my sisters have. What do you say?

Kathy said...

Den leader Wow! Now you will know what a bunch of little boys can be like! Man you married a cute guy!

dani said...

I did marry a cute guys, i agree. You are a little biased tho :)

Im excited to delve into the mysterious and unknown world of nine year old boys...