Are you
surprised? :)
I'd say things are even better than when we started, if that is possible. We understand somewhat of how
each other work, what bugs one another, whats makes us happy and pretty much have just had a ton of fun. Of course things aren't perfect, but it definitely gets better everyday.
Ok, I just wanted to put down a couple of random reasons why I adore my husband and some of my favorite pictures of the past year. Get ready for a whole crap load of pictures.
*He always lets me park in the covered space that is basically right in front of our door while he sometimes has to park quite a ways away.
*He tickles my back and face when I have a headache because it relaxes me.
*He almost always does the dishes.
*He is predictable, but in a good way.
*He's always the first to say he's sorry.
*He does dumb things just to make me laugh and one time, told me how important it is that he is funny to me. And he makes me laugh everyday.
*He puts up with ALOT.
*When we were away for the summer, he would indulge me and celebrate our monthly anniversaries. One time he got me pizza and some new perfume and one time he cooked dinner for me.
* He's dang cute! I love his strong chin and squinty eyes.
* He leaves me sweet little notes when I least expect it.
*He is always trying to do things for me.
*He makes me completely loved everyday!
And here's some of my favorite pictures of us over the past year, in no order...

When we got our marriage license.

Before we were engaged, at my best friend Rachel's wedding. We got into a little spat this evening.

At my best friend Melanie's wedding.

My little sister Tessa adores him and I just love this picture. The other day I went over to my parents and I was talking to Tessa. I told her that Brennon wasn't there cause he was lame and she said "No he's not, he's sweet!" She is his biggest fan.

These two pics were taken by my aunt Kristal before we were even engaged. I LOVE them.

Cardinals game fun.

1st Halloween as a married couple. We went to our ward party and we were like the only adults dressed up.

Christmas temple lights.

Our very first Halloween where we threw our costumes together at the last minute.
New Years Eve at Evan and Cara's. Brennon was very tired.
Our first and last cabin trip. :(
A freaky picture of us at the county fair over a year ago.

The picture that was on our wedding
At Mt. Rushmore.
Our first apartment!
State Fair on Halloween with Evan and Cara
Our first beach trip!
First Guttery family picture!
One of my FAVORITE pictures of Brennon.
At the Mall of America this summer.
They had to lift me over this fence so we could get into the field!
I LOVED my shoes! They are so vintage and fun and they were only like 30 bucks!
I also loved my flowers. They were different but beautiful.
These were supposed to be our model faces. I just look mad and
Brennon looks like

When I first got my ring, Brennon would catch me just staring at sometimes. I love it so much and I am still very in love with it. Sorry girls, but I think mine the prettiest. :)
Sorry for the picture overload. But I had alot of fun going through alot of our wedding pics again. Its so weird to think a year ago at this time we were heading up to Minnesota to try and make money, try being the key word. :) I am so happy I married Brennon Wayne Fish. He makes life so fun everyday and is such an example to me in every way. Happy Anniversary to us!