Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Tuesday night I came home from a busy nonstop day to find yellow tulips, my FAV flower, on our table. Awww. And for no reason. AND, he had dinner all ready. A yummy chicken stir fry dish. Isn't he just cute! Just thought I'de have a "husband recognition" post.


Amy John said...

That is really sweet. Look at all the effort he went through! He made sure he had, not just any flower, but your fave flower AND dinner ready before you got home. THat was a thought out plan. That is the kind I love!

Kristal said...

you suck

Breea said...

awww! BREN BREN! is it wrong for me to get married right now just so i can come home and see some flowers on my table and some yummy food. too bad for me. well, at least i have my SHABO!

Kathy said...

His mother raised him so well!

Hills said...

Cute! I love husbands! :) We are going to make our blog private so if you could let me know your e-mail address to add you to our OK list that would be great! Thanks!

Erica said...

He is such a sweetheart!

Taralee said... cute. Being a newlywed is the best. Although, I'm pretty sure Brennon will always be cute to you like that.

Cara Fish said...

Yea for Fish men!

Anonymous said...

They're just gonna die.

Anonymous said...

JK, you gotta good one. Dont throw that fishie back.

LuAnne said...

Aren't husbands awesome! Steve did the same thing last week. Well he didn't make dinner, but got flowers. He did take Aiden out for a while though while I made dinner :) Gotta love husbands!

Kristal said...

you suck

Jenna said...

hey im joining the club and making our blog private! can i have the email you login with to invite you!!!!

The Epps Fam said...

That is cute!! You have a good man. Aren't surprises like that the best?!