Monday, September 27, 2010


So, this is actually Brennon posting this. Its late at night, Danica is asleep, (she is always tired now from the pregnancy) and I feel like I should post something, and I really don't know why.

As many of you have heard through our recent press releases (facebook, Blog), we are having a baby! We are REALLY excited! I will be honest though, I am a little nervous. To think that I am going to be in charge (well, with the help of Danica) of a little, tiny humans life, who will depend on me for everything is crazy. I am still learning to take care of myself and Danica at the same time. Its hard enough to balance that. But, having said that, I do feel that this is the right time. We need a little person to help us in the Fish home.

I always thought that as soon as I found out that I was going to be a dad my life would just completely change and I would all of the sudden be a knew man. Well, that didn't exactly happen. To my surprise I am pretty much the same guy who struggles to balance life. Who really has no idea how we are going to pay for all the expenses that are to come, and the same guy who is actually pretty selfish. I know that we have alot to learn, and this new chapter in our life is going to help us to progress more than we ever though possible.

So, I guess I just wrote this to say that I am excited to be a Father and I am so happy that I have a wonderful wife to experience this next step with! And every step for eternity!


The Webbs said...

You guys will do GREAT!! Super exciting!!!

EmGabs said...

What a good guy!

OurHappyFamily said...

You guys are AWESOME! There is no greater joy than being a parent. You guys will be wonderful parents!

joelle said...

ok how cute, and I am so excited that we are prego buddies! Where are you delivering? We may just be there at the same time!! And having a baby isn't as scary as it may seem at times. We have had a total blast. So much so that we are having another one this soon!! haha

Erica said...

Brennon you will both be amazing parents. And everyone tells me if you wait until you can afford kids, you'll never have them. :) Congrats again! Love you guys.

Jenna said...

Ok you guys are gonna be the coolest parents and brennon, your kid is gonna love reading this post when he or she is older. Dude, you're gonna be a great dad and don't worry, if we can have 2 kids and live off my husbands income, than anyone can do it in my opinion.

Grace Hart said...

Aww we just love you guys! You will be such wonderful parents :)

kristal said...

I'm with Erika, there's no right time FINANCIALLY to have a baby. We were MUCH more broke than you two for our first THREE (probably 4), but it all worked out and we don't have a single regret.
And you'll be an awesome dad. All kids like you...even though the ones in this house still think your name is Brendan. I'm so excited for you guys...I mean seirously probably on the top 5 list of most excited people for the Fish baby. Yup, there's a list.

Tamee said...

We're super happy for you! You'll both do great!

Jayson, Kim, and Lotta Carlson said...

how exciting! first time i've heard the news and i'm so happy for you both! congratulations, being parents is the absolute best and you will love it no matter how many hardships you encounter. always worth it :)

Kathy said...

I'm really behind, I just saw this. Brennon you will be a great dad. You are very level headed and you have a great wife! I can't wait to see and hold the little Fish!

Kathy said...
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Hey brother! i think you should hint to chad how totally manly and awesome it is to post on a family blog . . . id appreciate it! Oh and about the post, youve got two of the most supportive families that will always be there to help fill any gaps in parenting your fearing about! (gutterys and Fishs incase i wasnt painfully clear) remember you can always ship it up to idaho for the weekend, chad and i would eat that up!